Li Qin: Global Systems and National Communication on the Horizon of Immersive Communication
Release time:2021-03-09edit:Hits:

Global Systems and National Communication on the Horizon of Immersive Communication


Abstract: Advances in communication technology and accompanying social transformation have both worked together to bring about significant changes in how global communications are conducted. From one-way communication to immersive communication, traditional boundaries are vanishing. International communication has been evolved into global communication, something that has fundamentally altered the forces behind our global systems based on communication. In this light, it is necessary to redefine the concept of the “global media”

as well as the mode of communication from the perspective of immersive communication, to reconsider the existing world system theories and the future of human destiny, and on this basis, constructing the national communication strategy.


Keywords: immersive communication, global communication, world system, virtual reality, national communication strategy


LI Qin, Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of RUC, Director of NCSRC
